The 21st edition of the International Human-Computer Interaction conference was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Interaction 20/21 will now be held from the 22nd to the 24th September 2021, within the VI Congreso Español de Informática (CEDI 20/21) and with the support of the Association of Human-Computer Interaction, AIPO, the Spanish Chapter of ACM SIGCHI, CHISpa, and the DIANA research group from the University of Malaga. All scientific activities at the conference will be hybrid — participants will be hosted at the ETSI Informática of University of Málaga, but streams and other content will be offered for those who cannot attend or are not comfortable with physically attending.
The main objective of Interaction 20/21 is to bring together researchers, students, and professionals of Human-Computer Interaction, coming from both academy and industry, to promote the presentation of innovative proposals, the exchange of ideas and discussion.
Interaction 20/21 has a multidisciplinary approach to Human-Computer Interaction, attracting those who, besides Computing, work in related areas such as Arts, Design, Psychology, Sociology, etc. In this edition, special emphasis will be placed on attracting contributions in the field of Interactive Art.