The 21st edition of the International Human-Computer Interaction conference was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Interaction 20/21 will now be held from the 22nd to the 24th September 2021, within the VI Congreso Español de Informática (CEDI 20/21) and with the support of the Association of Human-Computer Interaction, AIPO, the Spanish Chapter of ACM SIGCHI, CHISpa, and the DIANA research group from the University of Malaga. All scientific activities at the conference will be hybrid — participants will be hosted at the ETSI Informática of University of Málaga, but streams and other content will be offered for those who cannot attend or are not comfortable with physically attending.
The main objective of Interaction 20/21 is to bring together researchers, students, and professionals of Human-Computer Interaction, coming from both academy and industry, to promote the presentation of innovative proposals, the exchange of ideas and discussion.
Interaction 20/21 has a multidisciplinary approach to Human-Computer Interaction, attracting those who, besides Computing, work in related areas such as Arts, Design, Psychology, Sociology, etc. In this edition, special emphasis will be placed on attracting contributions in the field of Interactive Art.
Contributions may tackle any topic related to Human-Computer Interaction, in a broad sense, considering the multidisciplinary nature of this research area.
Contributions on Interaction in the field of Arts will be especially welcome this year, but so will contributions from any related field, such as User Experience, Industrial Design, Psychology and Sociology, Accessibility, Interaction Hardware, Virtual and Augmented Reality, Human-Robot Interaction, etc.
The conference organizing committee invites you to participate by sending contributions within the following categories.
- Conference papers and posters
- Long papers (up to 8 pages, not including references) describing original and unpublished work that provides significant results of research.
- Short papers (up to 4 pages, not including references) describing original and unpublished work in progress, with intermediate results that contribute to well-founded research.
- Special Sessions
- Special session about ethics and human computer interaction. Forum for discussion regarding the transcendental importance of ethical aspects in the development of Interactive Systems and how the new forms of HCI can significantly change our lives. Long and short papers will be accepted.
- Special session EnGendering Technologies (EGT). It aims at exploring equal participation in education, design, production, and use of technologies, especially in ICT, but also demanding innovative and more inclusive research, innovation and products. Long and short papers will be accepted.
- Other Contributions
- Doctoral Colloquium. This aims to be a forum for PhD students to present a summary of the objectives, methodology and preliminary results of their on-going PhD Theses.
- Research Group Presentations describing past and present research activities, projects and future plans, including opportunities for collaboration with other research groups.
- Relevant Articles already published in impact journals. These papers will be presented in a regular session, but since they are already published, only the submitted review will be included in the proceedings.
All contributions must be submitted anonymously in PDF format, following the ACM template:
- Word users, please use interim template:
- LaTex users, please use template:
- LaTeX & Overleaf users, please use template:
More information about the templates can be found at
All submissions must be done through EasyChair:
All contributions will be peer-reviewed by an international panel of experts. Names and affiliations of authors, acknowledgments or any other reference that may reveal the identity of the authors must be removed. Papers that do not meet these conditions may be rejected without review.
Contributions may be submitted in Spanish or English. In any case, they must contain a summary of up to 300 words in English.

Publication of accepted contributions
- Accepted long and short papers, written in English, will be published in the ACM Digital Library within its Series of International Conference Proceedings.
- Accepted long and short papers written in Spanish and the two-page abstract of contributions for Doctoral Colloquium, Research Group, Demonstrations, and summary of already published relevant articles, will be published in the conference proceedings.
- A selection of the best Interaction 20/21 papers will be invited to submit an appropriate extended version to be considered for publication in special issues of international journals with impact (to be confirmed) and in AIPO’s Digital Journal.
At least one author of each contribution must be registered in the conference. Each registration can be associated with one contribution. For additional contributions associated with the same participant, an additional fee will be required. Registration will be available in CEDI website (, more details coming soon there.
Presentation at the conference
Presentations in the various sessions of the conference will be done with a pre-recorded video which Will be projected in the session room and transmitted for on-line attendants. After the video projection, a question & answer time will be open where attendants both in the room and on-line will be able to participate. The presenter will have to participate answering the questions proposed by the audience.
Read the full call in pdf here.