EnGendering Technologies (EGT) aims at exploring equal participation in education, design, production and use of technologies, especially in ICT, but also demanding innovative and more inclusive research, innovation and products. Technology and society complement each other: symbolic and cultural meanings guide the process of constructing technologies and, in reverse, they delineate new cultural images and practices.
Values, social relations, and world visions become inscribed in technologies, and shape and maintain gender ideologies and identities, reproducing the idea that women are strange to the world of technology which is false. Changing the discourses, practices and values in the process of design and educational system should be the key to redefine the traditional gendered relations with technology.
The aim is to achieve better ICT practices and products in order to promote positive gender impact. Gendering that creative process means participating in the design of a better common future.
A large body of research has traditionally focused on women’s exclusion from the fields of science and technology. This research points to several barriers and challenges that make women’s access to knowledge difficult, as well as jobs and full participation of women in current technological development. However, some research has turned its attention to gender inclusion processes and its impacts. In this sense, motivations, actions and mechanisms that helped the inclusion of women in technological fields have been explored. Similarly, the impacts of gender awareness and gender inclusion in the design, development, and use of new technologies have been highlighted.
An increasing body of research is exploring how gender and technologies are mutually shaped in a fluid and dynamic manner. Results show that both challenges and opportunities for gender and technological transformations are difficult to understand without a multidisciplinary approach.
As Engendering Technologies at Interacción 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018 and 2019, this workshop is focused on all the gender aspects of the technology domain. Main topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Gender & Human-Computer Interaction (HCI).
- Gender and IT ethics
- Design for women, designing by women
- Gender & software engineering
- Gender issues in technology design
- Women inclusion in technologies
- Gender digital divide
- Gender & video games
- Gender & Information Technology
- Gender & Science and Technology
- Cultural & symbolic dimensions of ICT
- Changing relations between people and ICT
- Gender & user-centered design methodologies
- Gendered innovations in ICT
- Women, technology, and power
- Best practices on Gender and ICT
- Mentoring and experiences for attracting women to ICT studies and professions
- Gender & Digital Security and risks
- Gender & IT inclusion policies and actions
- New methodologies on gender & IT syllabus
- Gender Prototyping development
- New Designing techniques for women
- Gender Tech and new materials
- Maker movement & Gender
Authors should submit an original paper in any of the following submission categories:
- Long papers (up to 8 pages) describing original and unpublished work that provides significant results of research.
- Short papers (up to 4 pages) describing original and unpublished work in progress, with intermediate results that contribute to well-founded research.
If your article has been accepted, you will receive the Camera Ready format information by email.
All submissions must be done through EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=interaccion2021
All contributions will be peer-reviewed by an international panel of experts. Names and affiliations of authors, acknowledgments or any other reference that may reveal the identity of the authors must be removed. Papers that do not meet these conditions may be rejected without review.
When submitting the paper, you have to choose if you would like your contribution to be reviewed by the special session Committee or also by the main track Committee. In case of acceptance by the main track committee, your contribution would be published in the ACM Digital library. For this, your contribution must be written in English.
Contributions may be submitted in Spanish or English. In any case, they must contain a summary of up to 300 words in English.

Publication of accepted contributions
- Accepted papers by the main track Committee and written in English will be published in the ACM Digital Library within its Series of International Conference Proceedings.
- Accepted papers by the special session Committee, written in English or Spanish, will be published in the conference proceedings.
At least one author of each contribution must be registered in the conference. Each registration can be associated with one contribution. For additional contributions associated with the same participant, an additional fee will be required. Registration will be available in CEDI website (https://congresocedi.es/), more details coming soon there.
Important dates
- Submission: 15th March –
16th April, 202130th April, 2021 (extended deadline) - Notification: 1st June, 2021
- Camera Ready version:
22nd June, 202130th June, 2021 (extended deadline)
Organizing Committee
Susanna Tesconi (Open University of Catalonia)
María Cuevas-Rodríguez (University of Malaga)
Academic Committee
- Aruquia Peixoto (CEFET/RJ – Brasil)
- Alicia García Holgado (University of Salamanca – Spain)
- Ana María González Ramos (Open University of Catalonia – Spain)
- Adriana Gil-Juarez (University of Rovira i Virgili – Spain)
- Beatriz Eugenia Grass (University of San Buenaventura, Cali – Colombia).
- Belén Rubio Ballester (IBEC, Universitat Pompeu Fabra – Spain)
- Carina González (University of La Laguna – Spain)
- Cristina Manresa-Yee (University of Balearic Islands – Spain)
- Eva Cerezo (University of Zaragoza – Spain)
- Mª Cruz Sánchez Gómez (University of Salamanca – Spain)
- Montse Vall-Llovera (Open University of Catalonia – Spain)
- Inmaculada Perdomo (University of La Laguna – Spain)
- Jessica de Armas (University of Pompeu Fabra – Spain)
- Laura Briz Ponce (University of Salamanca – Spain)
- Laura Malinverni (Grupo Esbrina Universitat de Barcelona – Spain)
- Lourdes Moreno (University Carlos III of Madrid – Spain)
- Noura Aknin (Abdelmalek Essaâdi University – Morocco)
- M. Antonia Huertas Sánchez (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya – Spain)
- Mireia Ribera (Universitat de Barcelona – Spain)
- Natalia Padilla-Zea (International University of La Rioja – Spain)
- Núria Vergés Bosch (Copolis, University of Barcelona – Spain)
- Patricia Paderewski (University of Granada – Spain)
- Pino Caballero-Gil (University of La Laguna – Spain)
- Rosa Gil-Iranzo (University of Lleida – Spain)
- Sandra Baldassarri (University of Zaragoza – Spain)
- Sara Alvarellos Navarro (Innovation Business Lider, Everis – Spain)
- Susanna Tesconi (Universidad Oberta de Catalunya – Spain)